Firmin Cigars Australia introduces their latest Cigar Humidors, we stock a wide range of Tradition, Classic Cigar Humidors and Travel Humidors, all made from quality Spanish Cedar and finished off with various finishes including Walnut, Burl, Cherry-wood, Birds Eye Maple and Sycamore. Some beautifully in-layed with unique designs to compliment any home, office or bar space. These Cigar Humidors are all finished in either a matte or high gloss varnish.

Firmin Cigars also have a range of Glass Top Cigar Humidors along with Glass Cabinet Cigar Humidors, all with humidifiers and analogue hygrometers to keep your cigars in perfect condition. These humidors can hold 30 to 50 Cigars, other Cigar Cabinet style humidors will hold 75, 100 up to 150 cigars, these are ideal for wholesale Cigar customers that want something a little more unique in their retail stores.

Firmin Cigars are the discount Cigar Humidor specialists in Queensland and we are happy to assist you further, we ship Cigar Humidors Australia-Wide.

Visit this link to view our range of quality Desktop Cigar Humidors, Glass top Cigar Humidors and Cabinet Cigar Humidors – Traditional & Classic Cigar Humidors with various looks and stylish designs.